
you have {{game.greenpoints.eq(1) == false ? "green points" : "green point"}}
and green power (base gpow: )
your base green power gain is

you have red money and red power ()
r1: cost 1 R$ | r2:

use mixed notation (will work in a later version)

(ne) = not effected by the effect number
(nde) = not effected by the doubly effect number

this uses Vue, OmegaNum, and Mousetrap which i do not take credit for at all

discord server (why tho)

hotkeys: r for red prestige,
4 for red 2

left/down and right/up keys to switch tabs

formulas (spoiler warning) changelog (spoiler warning)

your highest green point amount was
your highest red money was
your highest multipower was
you have multipower, and your green and red power are now multiplied by it